Investigating Preferential Usability on Intelligent Agent-Driven Multimodal Environment
Hoon Yoon, Hojeong Im, Yoonsu Kim, Younghoon Song, and Taeha YiCA
Archives of Design Research (2024) 37.4:7-24
Scopus (Computer Science, Computer-Aided Design)
※ Selected as the Best Paper in AODR Vol. 37-4.
Hoon Yoon, Hojeong Im, Yoonsu Kim, Younghoon Song, and Taeha YiCA
Archives of Design Research (2024) 37.4:7-24
Scopus (Computer Science, Computer-Aided Design)
※ Selected as the Best Paper in AODR Vol. 37-4.

BIGaze: An Eye-Gaze Action-Guided Bayesian Information Gain Framework for Information Exploration
Seung Won Leeco-FA, Hwan Kimco-FA, Taeha Yico-FA,and Kyung Hoon Hyun
Advanced Engineering Informatics (2023) 58: 102159
SCIE (Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence; Multidisciplinary, IF=8.800)
Seung Won Leeco-FA, Hwan Kimco-FA, Taeha Yico-FA,and Kyung Hoon Hyun
Advanced Engineering Informatics (2023) 58: 102159
SCIE (Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence; Multidisciplinary, IF=8.800)

Intersection of Seeing: New Ways of Experiencing Reality Using Autonomous Volumetric Capture System
Seonghoon Ban, Taeha Yi, and Kyung Hoon Hyun
SCI (BK21 Excellent Conference in Computer Science, Art Paper)
Seonghoon Ban, Taeha Yi, and Kyung Hoon Hyun
SCI (BK21 Excellent Conference in Computer Science, Art Paper)

Enhancing design activity and review experience through hybridizing desktop and virtual environments
Hwan Kimco-FA, Taeha Yico-FA, Hyoung-June Park, and Kyung Hoon Hyun
Journal of Interior Design [Early View_Online; In-press]
A&HCI (Architecture)
Hwan Kimco-FA, Taeha Yico-FA, Hyoung-June Park, and Kyung Hoon Hyun
Journal of Interior Design [Early View_Online; In-press]
A&HCI (Architecture)

museum visitors’ artwork preference through deep learning
Taeha Yico-FA, Hwan Kimco-FA, and Ji-Hyun Lee
Archives of Design Research [In-press]
Scopus (Computer Science, Computer-Aided Design)
Taeha Yico-FA, Hwan Kimco-FA, and Ji-Hyun Lee
Archives of Design Research [In-press]
Scopus (Computer Science, Computer-Aided Design)

The influence of visitor-based social contextual information on visitors’ museum experience
Taeha Yi, Hao-Yun Lee, Joosun Yum, and Ji-Hyun Lee
Plos One, 17(5): e0266856
SCIE (Multidisciplinary Sciences, IF=3.752)
Taeha Yi, Hao-Yun Lee, Joosun Yum, and Ji-Hyun Lee
Plos One, 17(5): e0266856
SCIE (Multidisciplinary Sciences, IF=3.752)

Identifying museum visitors via social network analysis of Instagram
Mi Chang, Taeha Yi, Sukjoo Hong, Po Yan Lai, Ji Young Jun, and Ji-Hyun Lee
ACM Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage, 15(3)
SCIE (Computer Science & Interdisciplinary, IF=2.047)
Mi Chang, Taeha Yi, Sukjoo Hong, Po Yan Lai, Ji Young Jun, and Ji-Hyun Lee
ACM Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage, 15(3)
SCIE (Computer Science & Interdisciplinary, IF=2.047)

Use of eye-tracking in artworks to understand information needs of visitors
Taeha Yi, Mi Chang, Sukjoo Hong, and Ji-Hyun Lee
International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 37(3)
SCIE (Computer Science & Cybernetics, IF=4.920)
Taeha Yi, Mi Chang, Sukjoo Hong, and Ji-Hyun Lee
International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 37(3)
SCIE (Computer Science & Cybernetics, IF=4.920)

Visitor-artwork network analysis using object detection with image-retrieval technique
Sukjoo Hong, Taeha Yi, Joosun Yum, and Ji-Hyun Lee
Advanced Engineering Informatics, 48
SCIE (Computer Science & Artificial Intelligence, IF=7.862)
Sukjoo Hong, Taeha Yi, Joosun Yum, and Ji-Hyun Lee
Advanced Engineering Informatics, 48
SCIE (Computer Science & Artificial Intelligence, IF=7.862)

여행을 한눈에 나만의 대한민국 구석구석
Mi Chang, Taeha Yi, Ji Young Jun, Juhyun Lee
2021 디지털 정부 서비스 디자인(UI/UX) 개선 제안 공모전
국무총리상 (행정안전부, 한국지능정보사회진흥원)
Mi Chang, Taeha Yi, Ji Young Jun, Juhyun Lee
2021 디지털 정부 서비스 디자인(UI/UX) 개선 제안 공모전
국무총리상 (행정안전부, 한국지능정보사회진흥원)

Collective Intelligence Case-Based Reasoning System and its method for user-customized recommendation
사용자 맞춤형 추천을 위한 집단지성형 사례기반추론 시스템 및 그 방법
특허(등록) (10-222-97680000)
사용자 맞춤형 추천을 위한 집단지성형 사례기반추론 시스템 및 그 방법
특허(등록) (10-222-97680000)