Taeha Yi
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
My research interests focus on UI/UX Design, HCI, Museum Informatics, Media Technology & Theory, and User Experience Modeling. I am a senior designer at Samsung Electronics (Corporate Design Center, The Republic of Korea).
UI/UX Design User Modeling Museum Informatics Human-Computer Interaction
UI/UX Design User Modeling Museum Informatics Human-Computer Interaction
Ph.D., Graduate School of Culture Technology, KAIST
Thesis: “Museum Informatics centered on visitor experience in Art museum”
Advisor: Ji-Hyun Lee
Information-Based Design Lab
2016 - 2022 -
M.S., Graduate School of Culture Technology, KAIST
Thesis: “A study on acceptance of artwork interpretative information by visitors according to the genre in contemporary art”
Advisor: Chung Kon Shi
Communicative Interaction Lab
2013 - 2015
B.A., Art History & Theory, Hongik University
2008 - 2013
위상공간 변화를 반영할 수 있는 인간-기계 협업 기반 지능형 건축 디자인 시스템 및 인터페이스 개발
국가과제 (NRF); 한양대학교
2021 - present
- 관람객 중심 미술관을 위한 전시 정보 모델링 프레임워크 개발 및 모바일 관람 서비스 개발 연구
국가과제 (NRF); KAIST
2018 - 2022
- Big Data 시대의 수변부동산 가치 분석 예측시스템 구축과 마케팅 전략 수립
용역과제 (한국수자원공사); KAIST
2017 - 2018
- 사용자의 의도와 맥락을 이해하는 지능형 인터랙션 기술 연구 개발
국가과제 (IITP); KAIST
2016 - 2018
- 공동거주(home sharing)를 위한 인간친화 공간설계 종합솔루션 개발
국가과제 (NRF); KAIST
2016 - 2017
- UX 리서치를 통한 OTP 기능 탑재 Input 디바이스의 사용성 향상 연구
용역과제 (Crucial Tec); KAIST
- New Display의 UX 디자인을 위한 시나리오 발굴 및 스크립트 제작
용역과제 (Samsung Elec.); KAIST
2014 - 2015
- Senior Designer, Samsung Electronics
Corporate Design Center
2022 - present
Post. Doc., Department of Interior Architecture Design, Hanyang University
Design Informatics Lab
2022 -
Art Director, Cave Basement
Art merchandising, UI/UX
2015 - 2016
Guest Reporter, Korea Design Science Institute
Design trends
2013 - 2014
- Curator,
The public art exhibition in Deokjung market
Public Art Project
- Director, The 20th Hongik Street Art Exhibition
- 디지털 정부 서비스 디자인(UI/UX) 개선 제안 공모전 (2021), 최우수상
“여행을 한눈에 나만의 대한민국 구석구석” (장미, 이태하, 전지영, 이주현)
국무총리상 행정안전부, 한국지능정보사회진흥원
- 아이디어 융합팩토리 랩커뮤니티 프로그램, 결과발표회 우수팀 선정
“Cave Basement” (맹진환, 이태하, 신용욱, 고영수)
- Collective Intelligence Case-Based Reasoning System and its method for user-customized recommendation
(사용자 맞춤형 추천을 위한 집단지성형 사례기반추론 시스템 및 그 방법)
등록 등록 정보: 10-222-97680000 (2021)
Selected Papers ( SCIE , SSCI , A&HCI , Scopus )
*co-FA: co-first authors
- Intersection of Seeing: New Ways of Experiencing Reality Using Autonomous Volumetric Capture System
Seonghoon Ban, Taeha Yi, and Kyung Hoon Hyun
ACM Siggraph (2023)
SCIE (Art Paper)
- Enhancing design activity and review experience through hybridizing desktop and virtual environments
Hwan Kimco-FA, Taeha Yico-FA, Hyoung-June Park, and Kyung Hoon Hyun
Journal of Interior Design (2022)
A&HCI (Architecture)
- Predicting museum visitors’ artwork preference through deep learning
Taeha Yico-FA, Hwan Kimco-FA, and Ji-Hyun Lee
Archives of Design Research (2022) 35.4:309-323
Scopus (Computer Science, Computer-Aided Design)
- The influence of visitor-based social contextual information on visitors’ museum experience
Taeha Yi, Hao-Yun Lee, Joosun Yum, and Ji-Hyun Lee
Plos One (2022) 17.5:e0266856
SCIE (Multidisciplinary Sciences, IF=3.752)
- Identifying museum visitors via social network analysis of Instagram
Mi Chang, Taeha Yi, Sukjoo Hong, Po Yan Lai, Ji Young Jun, and Ji-Hyun Lee
ACM Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage (2022) 15.3:1-19
SCIE (Computer Science & Interdisciplinary, IF=2.047)
- Use of eye-tracking in artworks to understand information needs of visitors
Taeha Yi, Mi Chang, Sukjoo Hong, and Ji-Hyun Lee
International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction (2021) 37.3:220-233
SCIE (Computer Science & Cybernetics, IF=4.920)
Visitor-artwork network analysis using object detection with image-retrieval technique
Sukjoo Hong, Taeha Yi, Joosun Yum, and Ji-Hyun Lee
Advanced Engineering Informatics (2021) 48:101307
SCIE (Computer Science & Artificial Intelligence, IF=7.862)
International Conference Papers
- A study on understanding of visitor needs in art museum: based on analysis of visual perception through eye-tracking
Taeha Yi, Mi Chang, Sukjoo Hong, Meereh Kim, and Ji-Hyun Lee
International Conference on Intelligent Human Systems Integration (2020) Paper
Part of the Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing book series (AISC, volume 1131)
Analysis of art museums’ visitor behavior and eye movements for mobile guide app design
Mi Chang, Taeha Yi, Po Yan Lai, Jun Hee Lee, and Ji-Hyun Lee
International Conference on Intelligent Human Systems Integration (2020) Paper
Part of the Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing book series (AISC, volume 1131)
The process of visitor studies in art museum: Tracking the behavior of museum visitors
Taeha Yi and Ji-Hyun Lee
International Conference on Intelligent Human Systems Integration (2019) Poster presentation
Framework of judgement system for smart home assistant utilizing collective intelligence CBR
Po Yan Lai, Meereh Kim, Minkyu Choi, Chae-Seok Lee, Valentin Porcellini, Taeha Yi, and Ji-Hyun Lee
CAADRIA (2019) Paper
- Land price prediction system using Case-Based Reasoning
Minkyu Choi, Taeha Yi, Meereh Kim, and Ji-Hyun Lee
CAADRIA (2019) Paper
- Interactive data acquisition for CBR system based smart home assistant
Taeha Yi, Injung Lee, Chae-Seok Lee, Gibbeum Lee, Meereh Kim, and Ji-Hyun Lee
CAADRIA (2018) Paper
Service design of intergeneration home-sharing system using VR-based simulation technology and optimal matching algorithms
Taeha Yi, Jimin Rhim, Injung Lee, Amartuvshin Narangerel, and Ji-Hyun Lee
International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (2017) Paper
Part of the Communications in Computer and Information Science book series (CCIS, volume 714)
Case Representation of Daily Routine Data Through the Function Behavior Structure (FBS) Framework
Injung Lee, Taeha Yi, Jimin Rhim, Amartuvshin Narangerel, Danial Shafiei Karaji, and Ji-Hyun Lee
International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (2017) Paper
Part of the Communications in Computer and Information Science book series (CCIS, volume 714)
- A study on the service design strategies of smart beauty mirror through case studies of cosmetic technologies
Jimin Rhim, Danial Shafiei Karaji, Taeha Yi, and Ji-Hyun Lee
Design Research, 한국디자인리서치 (2017), 2.3:76-84
KCI (Arts and Kinesiology, Design)
- Study on user-friendly rhythm dance game utilizing beat element of music
(음악의 비트 요소를 활용한 사용자 친화적 리듬댄스게임 연구)
Taeha Yi, Seung-Hwa Jeong, and Bon-Cheol Goo
Journal of Korea Game Society, 한국게임학회 논문지 (2015), 15.2:43-52
KCI (Interdisciplinary Studies & Research)
- A study on the possibility of extending artistic expression by utilizing synesthetic performance technology focused on Rober Wechsler and the Palindrome Dance Company
(공감각을 활용한 공연 기술을 통한 예술적 표현의 확장 가능성 연구)
Taeha Yi, Seung-Hwa Jeong, and Yikyung Kim
The Korean Journal of Dance Studies, 무용예술학연구 (2014), 49.4:73-88
KCI (Arts and Kinesiology, Dance)
A study
on the synesthetic expression based on digital technology in performance
(공연에서 디지털 기술이 적용된 공감각적 표현에 관한 연구)
Seung-Hwa Jeong, Taeha Yi, and Yikyung Kim
The HCI Society of Korea, 한국HCI학회 (2014):751-753